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A Moment Like This...

American Idols: Ok, 11/16-11/17 was a kick ass time! There is so much to say about this. On 11/16, we drove to Sac just so we could follow the buses back to San Jose. When we got there somehow we scored two meet and greets hehe! Our secret! One girl drove, and one did the talking so it was only fair that they got to go. They came back out and they had a damn good time! We waited around for a few more hours and we dropped off film and ate and stuff in order to pass the time. When we got back to the arena, lets just say that some crazy ass shit went down. Well eventually, we got on the road and were off following the buses. Some more crazy ass shit happened and then they buses eventually lost us... They can run but they can't hide! Lol! We ended up seeing the buses at a hotel in SJ. We saw Ejay ooutside so we went in and waited for him to stop begging for boos! LOL! Then we got pics. Jim came down so we got pics and autographs with him too. We sat around and did nothing for a while. We ended up "sleeping", if you will, in the car and then went back in the hotel in the morning. The first person we saw was RJ, and that was a few hours after we originally went in. Then next was Kelly! OMG! KELLY ROCKS! I had her talk on my on my phone because the girl that couldn't come loved Kelly! She was taking pics with us and signing stuff and then taking goofy pics for almost a half hour! She is fricking awesome! Ne ways after our meeting with Kelly, we waited some more and finally we got kicked out because the Idols were about to leave. The first to come outside was Nikki and she was so awesome! Then came AJ, he was cool with everything. Then I saw Ryan Starr and she said Hi but that was it, oh well. Tamyra came out and she came over to us and she took pics with us and stuff, she also talked on my phone to the girl that couldnt make it. Next came Christina, she just said Hi too, we didn't get ne pics with her cause they were in a rush. Then last but not least, we met Justin, he came out and we asked for pics and stuff and he said sure. Aminta flipped her shit so I had to hold her down. LoL. He was really cool about it! I didn't get his autograph but I did get a pic. Meeting those people was great! Oh yeah, Jim told us to tell the bus driver to "Suck It!" LOL! He was cool with that! NE ways, here are some pics, hope you enjoy.

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